The hospital Sales Spotlight tab summarizes the most revealing and helpful metrics for a selected hospital. The tab will help you to:
- Evaluate the overall performance of your selected hospital against state or county benchmarks.
- Identify your competitors for patients treated by the selected hospital.
- Prepare to engage with the hospital's staff with a message that demonstrates your competitive advantage.
Users can send themselves or their colleagues emails with the information in the Sales Spotlight too. This enables sales reps to have that hospital's information at their finger tips on a mobile device before a sales call. Additionally sales managers can also share potential targets with a sales rep through email for easier access when the sales rep is on the move.
Sales Spotlight is the first and default tab on the facility Analyze page.
This article explains the different parts of the Sales Spotlight tab. See our article on Hospital Sales Spotlight - Understanding the Metrics for specific details on a particular metric.
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