Sales Spotlight captures the most important information about a physician for sales reps, so that they can quickly:
- Evaluate the potential of a physician to generate admissions
- Identify your competitors for patients treated by the selected physician.
- Prepare for a sales call with personalized, data-driven Conversation Starters
Users can send themselves or their colleagues emails with the information in the Sales Spotlight too. This enables sales reps to have that physician's information at their finger tips on a mobile device before a sales call. Additionally sales managers can also share potential targets with a sales rep through email for easier access when the sales rep is on the move.
Sales Spotlight is the first and default tab on the Physician Analyze page.
This article explains the different parts of the Sales Spotlight tab. See our article on Sales Spotlight - Understanding the Metrics for specific details on a particular metric.
The following video provides a summary of how to use Sales Spotlight.
Tab Details
The following image highlights the key features in the tab. Sales Spotlight is broken into three sections:
- Configuration - fields for adjusting the display and emailing Sales Spotlight
- Top Metrics - the most relevant metrics you need to know to understand the selected physician
- Our Agency Relationship - quality metrics specific to your agency that show your areas of strength against your competitors or in comparison to state benchmarks
Email Sales Spotlight - When you click on this, you will be able to send the Sales Spotlight content to yourself or another user as an email.
My Agency - The Sales Spotlight tab focuses on metrics that are specific to the selected physician and metrics that reveal your agency's strengths with regard to the selected physician's patients. All your company's agencies are available to you if you click on the currently selected agency.
View Conversation Starters - This toggle turns on the Conversation Starters mode. The content in the boxes of the lower section will change.
Top Metrics
Top Metrics and "My Agency" metrics for this Physician - The top section of the many boxes in the image above are the the most relevant metrics you need to know to understand the selected physician. The bottom section includes metrics specific to your chosen "My Agency." The metrics include:
Top Metrics
- Hospice Utilization (Mortalities) - The percent of the selected physician's patients who were admitted to hospice who died.
- Annual Medicare FFS Patients - The count of Medicare FFS patients for whom this physician submitted a claim.
- Top Hospice Destinations - The three hospices who admitted the largest number of the selected physician's patients.
- Hospice ALOS - The Average number of days the selected physician's patients spent in any hospice. Counts include only discharged patients.
"My Agency" Relationship
- Hospitalization Rate within 30-days of Hospice Discharge - This is the percent of your chosen agency's patients admitted to a hospital during their hospice stay or within 30 days of discharge.
- All Visits and RN Visits Last 7 and Last 3 days - These four metrics are counts of hospice visits to a patient who is actively dying. We count for All visits (RN, LPN, SW and Aide) and RN visits, each for two periods, the last three days of life and the last seven days.
See our article on Sales Spotlight - Understanding the Metrics for specific details on a particular metric.
Our Agency Relationship
Conversation Starters - With Conversation Starters on, each metric is presented as a statement that focuses on the competitive advantage of your agency the metric demonstrates. The Conversation Starters are designed to help you generate a convincing message that shows your agency's competitive advantage. The specific conversation starters are created in this order:
- Against a competitor - If your agency outperforms another top hospice, we show the comparison between the two agencies. In these cases, the metrics will be green.
- Against a benchmark - If we can't find an example of competitive advantage against a competitor, we will include a favorable comparison with a state metric. These metrics will appear green.
- Area for growth - If we are unable to include a metric that shows your agency performing well, we will still include a comparison with the state metric to show an area where you need to grow. Those metrics will be red.
See our article on Sales Spotlight - Understanding the Metrics for specific details on a particular metric.
With Conversation Starters off |
With Conversation Starters on |
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