The Hospice Destinations table on the Physician Analyze page contains a list of all home health agencies that admitted patients treated by the selected physician. There is a dropdown selection that allows you to narrow the table to include only metrics for one of the three breakout claim types, Attended, Last Claimed, and 3 Months Prior.
This table is found in the Destinations Tab on the Analyze page.
The primary value of the table is that it shows part of the patient flow through the healthcare continuum, in this case, from the physician to the listed hospices, which identifies populations of patients and the informal Hospice referral relationships between the physician and treated patients.
So, yeah, this table is huge. Click on the image to expand it.
Understanding the Metrics
Metric |
Description |
Hospice Name | The official entity name of the Hospice Agency as listed in CMS Provider Data (NPI) file | |
NPI | The listed hospice's assigned NPI | |
County | The county where the listed hospice is registered in the NPI registry. | |
Hospice Patients (Overall) |
This is the number of the named physician’s distinct patients who received hospice services during the reporting period. It is limited to patients who were counted under the three claim types, Patients Attended, Patients 3 Months Prior, and Last Claimed Patients. As such, it is a union of these three claim types because a patient could be counted under more than one claim type. |
Hospice Affiliation %
This is the percentage of hospice patients for the selected physician who were admitted to the hospice listed in each row (See note below) |
Hospice Patients Attended |
Number of distinct patients who received services from the named agency during the most recent four quarters with the physician listed as the certifying physician on the hospice final claim. |
Hospice Patients 3 Months Prior |
This metric is the count of distinct patients admitted to the listed agency during the reporting period who were treated by the physician during the three month reference period prior to the patient's hospice admission. |
Hospice Patients Last Claimed |
This is the count of distinct patients who were admitted to the listed agency for whom this physician filed the last professional claim prior to the patient's hospice admission. |
Hospice ALOS (days) |
The average number of days the Physician's patients spent in this hospice, for patients discharged from this Hospice during the two year reporting period for patients treated by the physician within 3 months prior, the physician is attending the patient, or the physician was the last claim for the patient before hospice admit. |
Patient Days |
Number of days of care delivered at this hospice during the most recent four quarters to distinct patients sent by this physician from all sources (Attended, 3 months prior, or Last Claimed) |
Readmission Rate: 30 Days | This metric is the percentage of the selected physician's patients admitted to the hospice agency in the row directly from a hospital stay and who were subsequently readmitted to an acute care hospital within 30 days of the initial discharge. | |
Hospitalization Rate Stay + 30 Days | This metric is the hospice agency’s two year overall rate of hospitalization (where patients were admitted to a short-term acute stay during an Hospice services episode (includes transfers) OR within 30 days of Hospice discharge) | |
Distinct Patients |
This number is the count of the selected physician's distinct patients admitted to the listed agency during the quarter specified in the column header, including patients attended, patients 3 months prior, and patients last claimed.
Trended Patients | The trend line uses the counts from the Patient Admits columns to the left. The visual created gives a perspective on the hospice agencies historical level of care for the selected physician's patients. If you hover over the line, the count for each quarter will appear. This is the count of distinct patients treated by the physician who were admitted to the hospice agency during the identified quarter. |
Hospice Affiliation %
In rare cases, you might find an odd math conundrum - the percentages will add up to more than 100%. If you look at the image below, and add up the percentages in the column, the "total" is 105%, even without knowing the percentage for the bottom row. How can this be?
During the one year reporting period, some patients will be admitted to more than one hospice destination listed in the table. In those cases, those patients will impact the counts and percentages in the table for more than one row.
You can even see how this works.
For the selected physician, there were 637 patients - 142 were admitted to the first listed hospice - Hospice specialists of Louisiana.
- the math works for each row.
What this means
- The counts and percentages in each row are correct. They reflect the patients admitted to each hospice.
- The distinct count at the bottom is an accurate count of patients treated by the hospices in each row.
- You can do the same math we did above to confirm the percentages
- What you can't do - don't add the counts or percentages together to get a total - that doesn't work because you will be counting some patients more than once. And there is no way to know where those overlaps occur.
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