The Patient Demographics section of the Physician Analyze Page of the Trella Health Marketscape makes you the expert on your selected physician's patients. These metrics are found under the Patient Population Tab.
In sum, you will be able to see:
- Patient Volume - Historical counts of patients by several different criteria
- Patient Location - percentage of patient's county or ZIP code of residence
- Patient Diagnostic Mix - counts of patients in each Trella Health Diagnostic Group
- Chronic Conditions - Counts of the selected physician's patients with CHF and COPD
- Patient Age - Breakdown of patients by age
Each of these sets of data can be viewed as a table or as a chart.
Understanding the Metrics
Patient Volume Table
The Patient Volume data provides metrics on the patient population for a physician so you can gauge the physician's potential for being an influence with patients regarding hospice care.
For more details about this table, see Patient Counts and Claim Types.
All Medicare Patients
All Medicare Patients is the count of distinct patients for which the selected physician filed a Part B claim during the most recent one year reporting period.
Hospice Patients
This is the number of the named physician’s distinct patients who received hospice services during the reporting period. It is limited to patients who were counted under the three claim types, Patients Attended, Patients 3 Months, Prior, and Last Claimed Patients. As such, it is a union of these three claim types, not a total, because a patient could be counted under more than one claim type.
This is the count of patients who died during the one-year reporting period who had been treated by the physician during the six month reference period prior to their date of death.
Total Attended
This is the count of distinct patients who were admitted to hospice services during the reporting period where the named physician is identified as the certifying physician on the hospice claim.
Total 3 Months Prior
Three Months Prior is the count of distinct patients where the named physician treated the patient in the 3 months prior to the patient's hospice admission.
Total Last Claimed
This metric is the number of distinct patients for whom the named physician submitted the last professional claim prior to the patient's hospice admission.
Patient Location - County and ZIP code
The Patient Location table shows the percentage of patients treated by the selected facility within the one year reference period who resided in the listed county or ZIP code at the time their initial facility admission claim was filed. The one-year reference period aligns with the end of the last quarter for the data set included in Marketscape.
The patient percentages in this table are calculated from all Medicare claims for the selected facility, not just HHA related claims.
The grey box that contains, "County" is a drop-down that will allow you to switch the content in the table between percentages for county and ZIP Code.
For the selected facility, this table contains the names of the counties and the percentage of patients for each county from the facility's total patient count.
For providers who serve multiple states, sometimes there might be two counties in different states with the same name. We have added the state in which the county resides to differentiate the counties in this situation.
The State column is not included in the table if you have selected the ZIP Code view.
ZIP Code
For the selected facility, this table contains the ZIP Codes and the percentage of patients for each ZIP Code from the facility's total patient count.
Since these metrics are based on the patients' place of residence, it is possible to have counties or ZIP Codes from states other than the state of the facility's location. This will be especially true for facilities located in smaller states or near state lines. Those "out of state" counties or ZIP codes will only be included in this table if there is a sufficient count of patients. (See next.)
Aggregated INS Counties and "Other"
- Any and all counties where the percentage was calculated from a count of less than 11 patients will not be identified in the table but will be aggregated into the row titled, "Aggregated INS County."
- ZIP codes where the percentage would represent a count of less than 11 patients will not be identified in the table but will be aggregated into the row titled, “Other.”
- For example, if the agency had 100 patients in the reporting period, any county or ZIP code with 10% of the total or less would represent less than eleven patients in that location and therefore, that location will not be identified, but would be combined with all other locations also not specified.
Diagnostic Breakout by Stay
This table provides a percentage breakout by two different diagnosis models. For each diagnosis in either model, we provide a percentage of patient stays where the primary diagnosis on the claim aligns with the listed diagnostic category.
- Trella Health Diagnostic Grouping - This is Trella Health's unique diagnostic grouping model based on the ICD-10 Chapters. There are 20 different groups for all diagnoses, making this model very general.
- Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) - CMS uses this diagnostic grouping model as the model for billing under IPPS. There are more than 450 DRGs, so using this model allows you to identify the mix of diagnoses for your selected hospital in a high level of detail.
Trella Health Diagnostic Groupings
Use this diagnostic grouping model to identify broad areas of specialization as a connection between the selected facility and your agency.
Any and all diagnostic categories where the percentage was calculated from a count of less than 11 patients will not be identified in the table but will be aggregated into the row titled, "Aggregated INS diagnostic categories."
For more information see, Trella Health Diagnostic Groupings.
Inpatient DRG
As you can see from the image, using the Inpatient DRG diagnostic model provides a much more detailed view of the diagnoses for patients discharged from the selected hospital.
Not all DRG's will be available in this table. We only include DRGs where the diagnosis represents >=11 distinct patients and more than 1% of the the total distinct patients.
These diagnoses percentages only apply to patients discharged from inpatient care at the selected hospital.
CC is Complication or Comorbidity, MCC is Major Complication or Comorbidity.
Total Patient Count
The numbers in this column represent the counts of patients treated by this physician within the previous two years with a principle diagnosis that falls within the Diagnostic Category in that row.
Low, Medium, or High Acuity
These three columns break out the counts for three levels of acuity. The number in each column is the count of low, medium, and high acuity patients with a diagnosis included in the diagnostic category listed.
For more information on Acuity, see Trella Health Patient Acuity.
Chronic Conditions
This table contains the counts of the selected physician's patients with CHF and COPD
Average Patient Age
The average age of patients treated by the selected physician with the state age of patients for physicians with the same specialty for comparison.
Patient Age
This table present the percentages of the selected physician's patients by age.
Age is presented in years, and the % of patients column is the percentage of patients treated by the selected physician who fell within the listed age range at the time of the final claim.
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