The Skilled Nursing Sales Spotlight tab in Marketscape for Hospice summarizes the most revealing and helpful metrics for a selected skilled nursing facility. Moreover, the bottom section, How Do I Stand Out?, includes metrics specific to your selected "My Agency" that allows you to see how your hospice stands up against to your competitors with regard to the selected SNF.
This tab will help you to:
- Evaluate the overall performance of your selected hospital against state or county benchmarks.
- Identify your competitors for patients treated by the selected skilled nursing facility.
- Prepare to engage with the selected facility's staff with a message that demonstrates your competitive advantage.
Users can send themselves or their colleagues emails with the information in the Sales Spotlight too. This enables sales reps to have that skilled nursing facility's information at their fingertips on a mobile device before a sales call. Additionally sales managers can also share potential targets with a sales rep through email for easier access when the sales rep is on the move.
Sales Spotlight is the first and default tab on the facility Analyze page. (In Marketscape for Hospice, skilled nursing facilities are included in the category "facility" because they are facility sources to hospices.)
This article explains the different parts of the Sales Spotlight tab. See our article on Skilled Nursing Sales Spotlight - Understanding the Metrics for specific details on a particular metric.
Tab Details
The following image highlights the key features in the tab.
Sales Spotlight email - Click on this button to open a dialog box that will allow you to choose recipients for the Sales Spotlight email for the selected skilled nursing facility.
For more information, see The Skilled Nursing Sales Spotlight Email.
My Agency - Using this dropdown allows you to select from among your company's hospices to find a hospice you want to be reflected in the metrics in the lower section, "How do I Stand Out?"
Although the dropdown is in the top section, "Get to Know this Skilled Nursing Facility," this dropdown only impacts metrics in the lower section, "How do I Stand Out?"
Conversation Starters - If you click the "View Conversation Starters" toggle to the "on" position, the tiles under the Sales Spotlight tab will display the metrics as a simple sentence. See Skilled Nursing Sales Spotlight - Understanding the Metrics for details.
"Get to Know this Skilled Nursing Facility" - This section, in the blue box in the image above, contains metrics about the selected skilled nursing facility. These metrics are included so that you can evaluate the skilled nursing facility's performance.
Compare to: - This dropdown selection allows you to select the comparisons in the tiles in the lower section, "How Do I Stand Out?" The default is "Best Story" which presents your selected "My Agency" in the best possible comparison. You can compare your agency to the top hospice destinations for the selected skilled nursing facility or against state or county benchmarks.
"How Do I Stand Out?" - This section includes important performance metrics that allow you to compare your agency to other hospices and to state and county benchmarks.
Metrics Overview
In this section, we provide summaries of the tiles in each section of the tab.
For detailed descriptions of the metrics, see Skilled Nursing Sales Spotlight - Understanding the Metrics
Get to Know this Skilled Nursing Facility
- Top Hospice Destinations - The top three hospices with the highest percentage of patients who were admitted to hospice within 30 days of discharge from the selected skilled nursing facility during the one-year reporting period
- CMS Payer Mix - 20XX - Count of distinct Medicare Fee-for-service (FFS), Medicare Advantage (MA), and/or Medicaid patients treated by the facility during the year listed in the header.
- Readmission Rate: 30 Day - The rate at which the selected facility's patients came from an inpatient setting, were admitted to the listed facility, and were subsequently readmitted to any hospital within 30 days of the first inpatient discharge
- Annual Patient Count (FFS) - Count of distinct Medicare FFS patients discharged from the facility during the one-year reporting period
- Patient Risk Score - Average Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) Patient Risk Score for this facility
- Patient Hospice Utilization - Percentage of skilled nursing stays that were discharged during the one-year reporting period and received hospice care within 30 days of discharge from the skilled nursing facility
- Trella Diagnostic Groups - The top 3 Trella diagnostic groups associated with the selected skilled nursing facility based on the annual FFS patient counts.
How Do I Stand Out?
- All Visits Last 3 Days - Average number of visits (RN, LPN, SW, home health aide) provided by the selected "My Agency" to patients on routine home care within the last three days of life during the one-year reporting period
- All Visits Last 7 Days - Average number of visits (RN, LPN, SW, home health aide) provided by the selected "My Agency" to patients on routine home care within the last seven days of life during the one-year reporting period
- Hospitalization Rate: Stay +30 Days - Overall two-year hospitalization rate for patients who were admitted to the selected "My Agency" and hospitalized during their stay or within 30 days after discharge from hospice
- RN Visits Last 3 Days - Average number of RN visits provided by the selected hospice to patients on routine home care within the last three days of life during the one-year reporting period
- RN Visits Last 7 Days - Average number of RN visits provided by the selected hospice to patients on routine home care within the last seven days of life during the one-year reporting period
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